To place an order, simply add your desired items to the basket and when you are ready to check out select the bag icon in the top right corner.
Once you have selected your items and proceeded to checkout, shipping will be calculated based on the items in your basket. You will then have the opportunity to select shipping speed. In the cart you can choose to pay by Paypal (Goods can be purchased using a debit or credit card without the need for a PayPal account) or by simply adding your card details when prompted. Products will be dispatched on the same day if ordered before 10am (Tuesday – Saturday), otherwise they will be dispatched within 1 working day. We reserve the right to use alternative couriers to those stated due to size or weight of certain parcels.
Please note we operate during our store opening hours which are Tuesday – Saturday. Any orders placed on a Sunday or Monday will be dispatched on the Tuesday.
Please contact us via the contact us link if there are any other items that you would like to purchase. We sometimes have items that are currently not listed on the website and can in some circumstances source additional items.
Our returns policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.
If within 30 days you are unhappy with your purchase, please contact us via the contact form or at finestfossils@gmail.com. We will then provide details of where to send your return. Please note that except in cases where the item has arrived damaged, return postage is payable by the buyer.
Once items are safely returned to us a refund for the items plus standard postage costs will be processed. If any express shipping was purchased the additional charge for this service will not be refunded, unless the speed of the service chosen has not been met.
Wholesale returns – Please note wholesale customers are excluded from our return policy unless an item is damaged. In the event of a shortage or damage to a delivery then you will need to notify us within 48 hours of receipt of the items for us to process a replacement.
We have recently made changes to the way we operate on a wholesale basis. We now offer a range of items at wholesale, bulk prices. Simply click on the wholesale tab on the main menu. There is no account needed and the prices are the same for business or personal users. We have done this to make ordering from us even easier and to always ensure you get the best prices for your wholesale purchases. If you need a more tailored wholesale experience then please get in touch either by email or in-store to discuss your needs.
This is our most commonly asked question. All of our items are genuine unless otherwise stated (This will clearly state replica, synthetic or dyed). These either collected by ourselves, ethically sourced straight from where they were found or gathered using trusted sources within the UK. We have an in depth knowledge of the items we sell as this is our passion to learn, and pass on this knowledge about these amazing items and as such we hand pick all of the items ourselves before we put them on sale. Unfortunately, and contrary to popular belief, there is no body that authenticates fossils, minerals etc for commercial use and as such certificates of authenticity are often hard to come by, this includes from the people who prep specimens. Simply because of the vast number that we sell this would not be feasible to achieve, especially for common items. For these we offer our own certificate of authenticity which acts as a full money back guarantee. These are legally binding guarantees and as such we would not put our reputation on the line selling anything other than what is advertised. This is to also give you the peace of mind that what you are buying is genuine. For extremely rare and expensive pieces we do take these to institutions to be verified and will attempt to pass on any documentation to the customer when they purchase. This will be clearly marked when this is available. Please note the certificate of authenticity for minerals and gemstones guarantees the stone type but not the colour for dyed items or items that may fade in direct sunlight.